Torture is "the act of inflicting excruciating pain, as punishment or revenge, as a means of getting a confession or information, or for sheer cruelty."
While there seems to be a never-ending (and nauseating) national debate over whether torture is right as a means of getting a confession or information, at least we all can agree that torture is never right as punishment or revenge, or for sheer cruelty.
Or is it?
What if, in fact, you not only condone torture, but you admire and even support the torturer? Check out this video:
They've got a point, don't they? Why would the god of the bible torture anyone for the "sin" of unbelief, or for the "sin" of being too honest to believe? The god of the bible doesn't need a confession. He already passed judgement. He doesn't need information. He's God.
So God's Hell is for punishment or revenge, or for sheer cruelty.
Then if God is real, and if there's a Hell for non-believers, how can anyone really believe God is love? How can we teach that to our children?
Who would tolerate such a thing from a real person? Even if we knew the effort were futile, who wouldn't speak out, rebel, resist, fight, and even risk their lives so this wouldn't happen to anyone we know - and often even so this wouldn't happen to people who we'll never meet?
And what sane man or woman would worship and admire such a person?

Joshie loves me, this I know...