Monday, July 23, 2012

(Actual) Christian Dictionary: agnostic

This is an actual definition by Paster James L. Melton:
"Bro. Spurgeon &
Bro. Melton, Spring 2007"
An agnostic is a person who takes a position of uncertainty toward God and the Bible. These people have no real convictions, for they know nothing for sure. Most agnostics have had more education than the rest of us, and they usually have a rather high opinion of themselves and their "open-mindedness." In Acts 17:22-23, the Apostle Paul addressed some agnostics at Athens who had erected an alter to "THE UNKNOWN GOD." Paul said they were "too superstitious." 
Christianity is not a religion of uncertainty. We have an absolute Final Authority with absolute answers. For example, see John 14:6, Job 19:25, II Timothy 1:12, I Peter 1:18, and I John 5:13.
I have just a few comments...

"A position of uncertainty toward God and the Bible"
Okay, but why did you jump right to comparing it to your religion? I guess that's how to stir up the sheep. Make sure it's an "us vs. them" proposition.

So anyway, by that logic, a radical Muslim who's uncertain toward your concept of God and your bible is an agnostic? Wow.

"No real convictions, for they know nothing for sure."
You act like that's a bad thing. Isn't that better than knowing everything for sure? Besides, it's just not true. There are just some things they admit they don't know for sure. Sounds like honesty to me.

"Most agnostics have had more education than the rest of us."
That's right. Shit on education. What could possibly go wrong?

"They usually have a rather high opinion of themselves."
Translation:  They value honesty and integrity, and they just might be proud of that.

"Paul said they were 'too superstitious.'"
I guess Paul was just superstitious enough.

"We have an absolute Final Authority with absolute answers."
That's what scares me, brother. That's what scares me.

Keep your eye out for the Kool-Aid, boy